"Embrace what God wants to teach you while you are here". I heard someone say this a couple of weeks ago and it has got me thinking. What are the ways in which I have been 'fighting India'? Well, it depends on the day as to how long or short the list is, but a few things have been swimming around in my mind lately....
*Some days I get really perturbed about my new dress code (or at least that is how I refer to it when I look in my closet each morning and try and decide what to wear). I have always tried to be modest in my dress, but feeling the need to dress a certain way (i.e. no shorts outside the house ever) sometimes really ruffles my feathers. Somehow I got the idea that dressing the way I want is my right....hmmm....those perceived personal rights of mine tend to get in the way.
*Some days I struggle with the things we are missing. Depending on the day, it ranges from Cheezits to 5k's at the kid's school to holidays to burgers to listening to the radio while driving my car to living in a culture that I understand. I have noticed that it takes more energy and intentionality to focus on the gift of living in another culture. The struggles seem to float to the surface a lot easier.
*A broader perspective on life and the world. I look around at the many temples and idols we pass daily. The outward worship of idols is so prevalent here. I often am saddened for the people and their unending attempt to appease their gods. I long for them to understand that God has provided a way for them to have a relationship with Him through His son, Jesus. He paid the price for their sin. They do not have to bring flowers or food, ring bells, light incense, or put marks on their forehead. None of those efforts will save them. Then I have to look at myself. Am I trying to do things to gain the approval of my Father? Do I think I will only be accepted by Him if I check everything off my list, be patient with my children, and put my husband ahead of myself? These are definitely things to strive for, but at the end of the day, His love for me does not change and is not based on the things I do or don't do.
This is a journey and I welcome the things that God wants to teach me while we live here. I know that I can trust Him and that He is gentle and will work for my good.