Sunday, May 22, 2011
henna and other art work

A hard pill to swallow
It is hard for me to watch my children struggle and this week was filled with both struggles and celebration. We had another shot day on Friday and we all had to get the TB test done. Our middle one was quite worked up about it and was not looking forward to it. He got through it, showed off his "cars" band-aid, and was recovering from the event when he was posed with a question. We needed to get a typhoid vaccine and it can be taken by injection (which last 2 yrs) or by 4 doses of a pill (which last 5 yrs). Well, Dakota has not been able to master the swallowing of the pill task in his very full 12 years. But he was faced with a great dilemma, get another extremely dreaded shot or learn to swallow a pill. To my surprise, he choose the pills (I guess he hadn't recovered as much as I thought).
There are certain guidelines for the timing of the pills and it had to be taken in the morning, one hour before eating. We woke up yesterday and coached him as much as possible. We gave the pep talk. I had been praying for him, believing that he would be successful. I even found some applicable verses and he was ready to try. And he tried, and he tried some more. It was an anxious time for us all. He struggled for 45 minutes and felt the pressure of needing to swallow the pill while he body was not cooperating the way he wanted. He cried out saying that this was the hardest thing he has ever tried to do. I couldn't argue with that and I felt for him. Again, it is hard to see my children struggle.
I have to say that I was confused as to why my prayers were not being answered. I went for a run to sort it out. I went back to the things that I know; not my feelings about the situation. I know that God is good and that He has a plan. I know that he is not a divine vending machine - putting in just the right combination to get what I want. I did not understand, but that was okay. My son was worried about disappointing his momma and I had to assure him that was not at all how I felt.
After lunch, he came up with a plan. He was going to practice by swallowing nerds. He worked on it all through watching a movie and got nine swallowed successfully. He had a renewed confidence. And this morning he woke up and swallowed the pill on the second try! He did it! I was so proud and bursting with joy.
In the midst of the struggle just 24 hours before, I was discouraged and dismayed. I did not see a solution and was just sad when I looked at the circumstances. I did not want my son to get his view of God based on what happened. But then the morning came and it was a new day. Our Father is sovereign and His ways are not my ways. I will trust Him and praise Him and wait for the morning when I have a hard pill to swallow.
Thanks for sharing in the journey with us,
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
supporters and partners
Today we are talking about supporters and partners. If you are reading this blog you probably already support us. We need you and are so very grateful for your prayers. A few of you want to do more with us, partnering. You may even want to come over and work with us. We are looking forward to making those opportunities known in the coming months.
The presenter today shared a story of a man who was often awoken at night finding the need to intercede for an overseas worker he knows. When asked, this partner said he felt he needed to be before God on behalf of his friend. Until peace came, he would stay up and pray.
In my own life, I must confess that I have rarely had this kind of experience. I have often been more consumed in my own business than the business of God. His desire is that everyone has a chance to hear. How can they hear unless someone is sent? Some of you have sent us and are giving in order to send others.
Today, I want to say thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for taking a moment to pray for the workers in